Factors to Remember While Deciding Your Home Loan Tenure
Selecting the bank, interest rate, and the loan repayment period are critical aspects while considering a home loan. The tenure is a vital part because the absolute cost of ownership depends on it. In plain words, the home loan tenure determines the total sum you have to shell out for owning the property. Principal plus interest…
What To Consider While Preparing For Home Loan Repayment
When Aniket, a 35-year old IT professional, started planning to buy a home, he knew would have to apply for a loan. However, after spending some time researching the home loan market, he was not so confident if he really wanted to borrow from the bank. The loan interests were high and he feared the…
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana CLSS Scheme for MIG Families is Now Extended
You have always dreamt of a home of your own if you do not have one. It is not a luxury; it is your basic necessity. Your own home provides you with a security of a roof over your head, and your freedom from rented houses and the feeling of societal aloofness. For a lot…
Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana Now Offers Better Benefits to EWS and LIG Families
The Hon’ble Prime Minister, Shri Narendra Modi, envisions ‘Housing for All’ in India when the country steps into its 75th year of independence in 2022. The Prime Minister, in his New Year’s Eve speech on December 31, 2016, emphasized the government’s focus on implementing the ‘Housing for All’ mission in the rural sector by announcing…